Framing Our World Through Different Lenses

Hello Beautiful People, This week was an interesting experiment and a little challenging. I wanted to play with some photography techniques to add to the story I wrote. I worked with framing and hierarchy to add focus in different ways. This story was about remembering times in my childhood and I used my little cousin as my subject. This is the first time I used a full body in any of my photos to show in the stories, and it was an interesting choice on my part. First, I played around with framing to see what I could get out of my photos. What I did was crop one of the photos so my little cousin took up most of the viewing space, with little background to surround him. As Lupton and Phillips wrote in their book "Graphic Design The New Basics", they discuss the reasoning behind cropping other than just cutting the picture. They claim that "by closing in on a detail, cropping can change the focus of a pict...