In Between Life and the Record
Hello Beautiful People,
This week's project was about being between life and record. This was an interesting avenue to go down since it made me think about my project for nostalgia and documentation. My project for this week followed a similar pattern, but I feel that there is something deeper this time around. It was about my experience exploring Lawrence's society in the early spring whereas I have only seen it in the fall and winter.
My friends walking across College Avenue
Outside of Steitz Hall
My vision of this project was to recreate reality. Not only for the sake of posting something on social media rather it is something the viewer can connect with. Jurgenson talks about this in his book "The Social Photo on Photography and Social Media", where he explains expressing reality as follows: "The sentiment assumes that documentation and experience are essentially at odds. However, as described earlier, social photos are not primarily about making media but more about sharing eyes," (Jurgenson, 84). This stuck in my mind as I was taking these photos. I want the imagery of nature and social interaction to stick in the minds of the viewers.
Lamp post outside of Sampson House
All of these photos have a sense of movement whether they are large or small movements. With the first photo, I wanted to create a movement that went forward. The third one with the lamp post was supposed to be from the bottom to the top. This sense of realism ropes the viewer in especially the third one. I took some inspiration from the new wave of "Street Photography" as it seems modern and it is something that everyone has seen at one point or another. Jurgenson explains this by describing it like this: "With devices always at hand, we can capture the moment in new ways and, most important, we have an audience for it," (85). I felt that this post would be unique to the viewer while bringing familiarity with similar art styles, and similar experiences.
I am very happy that I got to explore this idea of falling in between reality and the recorded reality. I was able to bring some ideas from previous posts and engage with new ones. I hope that you found this week's post to be as interesting and fun like I did.
Thank you for reading and I will see y'all next week!
With lots of love,
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